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accommodation bill 〔英國〕通融票據。

accommodation bridge

If these problems can not be resolved , the paper market will not go smoothly , and at the same time , the country ’ s economy will be affected deeply . in china , the paper law only permits the existence of papers based on true transaction , which is called transaction paper , not accommodation bill . compared to the transaction paper , accommodation bill is one kind of commercial paper which lacks the underground of real merchandise trade transaction , whose goal is purely to financing 根據英美法系和大陸法系的相關規定,本文從探討融通性票據的概念入手,詳盡論述了融通票據的特點與現狀,并應用票據法上的一些基本原則對融通票據的制度構架加以分析,對票據融通基本問題進行闡述,就我國能否存在融通票據及票據業務創新提出一些見解。